Our Services in Palm Harbor, FL
Expert Services at Your Convenience – Tailored to Meet Your Needs!
Convenient, Expert Care for Your Health Needs
Our Chiropractor, Dr. Amar Patel, DC is an experienced chiropractor and treats patients with many ailments including sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, neck pain, back pain, headaches, and auto accident injuries. Dr. Patel also performs spinal decompression out of the Holiday office. Spinal decompression can help if you have herniated discs, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndromes, or most other types of disc issue. Is your doctor suggesting surgery as an option? Non-surgical spinal decompression may be your answer to avoiding surgery.
Chiropractic Care
We are born with the ability to heal and recover from an illness or injury. It is our nervous system that regulates this inborn healing capability.
Spinal Manipulation & Adjustment
If you have never looked into the world of chiropractic spinal manipulation, you could be missing out on an important modality for helping you enjoy optimal health, wellness, comfort, and injury recovery.
Stretching & Strengthening Exercises
If you suffer from chronic pain, stiff ligaments, tight muscles, or frequent injuries, Dr. Amar Patel may prescribe stretching and strengthening exercises on top of any joint adjustments or other treatments you may need.
Therapies & Techniques
We utilize cold laser therapy to help aid in tissue repair and relief from pain and inflammation. Cold laser therapy uses low wavelengths of light targeted towards your body’s tissue to alleviate pain caused by injury or aging and accelerate the healing process.